The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society. The Equality Act 2010 introduced 9 ‘protected characteristics’ and aims to prevent discrimination against someone on the grounds of any of these characteristics. The 9 protected characteristics include;
- age
- disability
- gender reassignment
- marriage and civil partnership
- pregnancy and maternity
- race
- religion or belief
- sex
- sexual orientation
Trafalgar Housing Association believes that providing equality of opportunity for its staff, Management Committee members, tenants, residents and other stakeholders is fundamental to the Association’s values. It is not just a legal or regulatory requirement, put simply, equality of opportunity is morally the right thing to do.
Our Equalities and Human Rights Policy supports our commitment equalities and human rights and provides guidance to ensure that all employees and customers are treated with fairness and respect. The Policy is supported by an Equality & Human Rights Action Plan that was put together by our staff team. This is used to help us meet the objectives of the Policy and to ensure that we can be proactive in our equality and human rights work. The action plan will be reviewed by our Management Committee annually.
The Equality and Human Right Policy was approved by our Management Committee in March 2022 and is available to under the 'Documents' section of our website or you can request a copy via post, email or in another format.