If you are unemployed or on a low income and need help with paying your rent and council tax, you may be entitled to Housing and Council Tax Benefit.
How do I claim?
Housing and Council Tax Benefit is administered by West Dunbartonshire Council. Information and application forms are available from Trafalgar Housing Association or from the council’s One Stop Shop, 10 Sylvania Way South, Clydebank, G81 1EA, tel 01389 737000. The One Stop Shop is open Monday to Friday, from 8.45am to 4.30pm. Forms can also be downloaded from their website www.west-dunbarton.gov.uk . Housing Benefit normally starts on the Monday after the council receives your application form, so it is important that you apply as soon as your income reduces or you become unemployed because claims are not normally backdated.
How is it paid?
Housing Benefit can be paid direct to Trafalgar Housing Association or paid to you by cheque or into your bank. If you choose to have it paid to you, it is your responsibility to ensure that you use it to pay your rent.
Trafalgar Housing Association can offer you advice and assistance. We will help you complete your application form and ensure all the relevant information is provided to allow your claim to be assessed. We will also estimate how much housing benefit you qualify for and tell you how much rent you have to pay.